
Every matrix in the collection is represented by a string "matrix_name", for example, the Cauchy matrix is represented by "cauchy" and the Hilbert matrix is represented by "hilb".

The matrix groups are noted as symbols. For example, the class of the symmetric matrices is symbolized by :symmetric.


Return a list of all the matrices in the collection:

julia> mdinfo()

 1) baart            2) binomial         3) blur             4) cauchy
 5) chebspec         6) chow             7) circul           8) clement
 9) companion       10) deriv2          11) dingdong        12) fiedler
 13) forsythe        14) foxgood         15) frank           16) golub
 17) gravity         18) grcar           19) hadamard        20) hankel
 21) heat            22) hilb            23) invhilb         24) invol
 25) kahan           26) kms             27) lehmer          28) lotkin
 29) magic           30) minij           31) moler           32) neumann
 33) oscillate       34) parter          35) pascal          36) pei
 37) phillips        38) poisson         39) prolate         40) randcorr
 41) rando           42) randsvd         43) rohess          44) rosser
 45) sampling        46) shaw            47) spikes          48) toeplitz
 49) tridiag         50) triw            51) ursell          52) vand
 53) wathen          54) wilkinson       55) wing
 all           data          eigen        illcond
 inverse       posdef       random        regprob
 sparse        symmetric
matrixdepot(matrix_name, p1, p2, ...)

Return a matrix specified by the query string matrix_name. The string must be a matrix name or a query pattern which matches exactly one matrix. p1, p2, ... are input parameters depending on matrix_name. For example:

julia> matrixdepot("hilb", 5, 4)
5x4 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0       0.5       0.333333  0.25
0.5       0.333333  0.25      0.2
0.333333  0.25      0.2       0.166667
0.25      0.2       0.166667  0.142857
0.2       0.166667  0.142857  0.125

Return the documentation of matrix_name, including input options, groups and reference. For example:

julia> mdinfo("moler")
   Moler Matrix

The Moler matrix is a symmetric positive definite matrix. It has one small

Input options:

  •  [type,] dim, alpha: dim is the dimension of the matrix, alpha is a

  •  [type,] dim: alpha = -1.

Groups: ["inverse", "ill-cond", "symmetric", "pos-def"]


J.C. Nash, Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and
Function Minimisation, second edition, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1990
(Appendix 1).

Return a list of matrices which belong to group group_name (symbol) as an array. For example:

julia> mdlist(:posdef)
11-element Array{ASCIIString,1}:
listnames(group1 & group2 & ...)

Return a iformatted list of matrices which belong to group1 and group2, etc. For example:

julia> listnames(:symmetric & :inverse & :illcond & :posdef) list(8) ––––––– –––– ––––––– ––– ––––– –––––– ––– ––––––– cauchy hilb invhilb kms moler pascal pei tridiag


Access matrix by number. For example:

julia> mdlist(builtin(3))
mdlist(builtin(num1:num2, ...))
Access matrix by range and combinations. For example::

julia> mdlist(builtin(1:4, 6, 10:15)) 11-element Array{String,1}:

“baart” “binomial” “blur” “cauchy” “chow” “deriv2” “dingdong” “erdrey” “fiedler” “forsythe” “foxgood”

We can define our own groups using the macro @addgroup and remove a defined group using @rmgroup.

@addgroup group_name = ["matrix1", "matrix2", "matrix3"]

Create a new group "group_name" such that it has members "matrix1", "matrix2" and "matrix3".

@rmgroup group_name

Delete a created group group_name.